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WIFI (Women in the Fastener Industry) Announces Speaker for the International Fastener Expo 2017

Lanie Denslow

Lanie Denslow—author, speaker and trusted advisor on how culture shapes business practices and business protocol around the world—will present “Working with the World” at the International Fastener Expo on October 17, 2017, in conjunction with WIFI’s Fall annual meeting. The event is open to members and non-members, both male and female.

In today’s global business environment, technical expertise isn’t sufficient to create success. One must also be able to build effective relationships. That process is complicated when we engage with clients, partners, suppliers from around the world. Their backgrounds, cultures and approach to doing business may vary from ours. When those differences aren’t understood, mistakes and missed opportunities can result.

This presentation will expand attendee’s ability to recognize cultural differences and how they may occur in business activities. At the conclusion of this interactive program, participants will be aware of:

• The key characteristics of cultural groups found around the world

• Why taking time to share a meal may be more valuable than time spent reviewing a contract

• Three points to consider when selecting a business gift

• The subtle messages of a handshake and other greetings

• How differing views of views of time, and styles of communication can create critical misunderstandings

Lanie Denslow is the author of World Wise: What to Know Before You Go and co-author of Working With Americans. Both are internationally recognized for their practical insights regarding how culture influences business.

As the Founder of World Wise Intercultural Training & Resources, Lanie has conducted seminars for global business leaders and organizations throughout the United States and in Germany, England, China and Russia. Lanie is the immediate President of Protocol & Diplomacy International, and holds both an M.B.A. and Masters of International Business Degree from Pepperdine University.

Learn more and register for the event, which takes place on Tuesday October 17th from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., here.

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