I Am Carrie and This Is My Journey in the Fastener Industry
I started at EDSCO Fasteners at the age of nineteen, soon after high school, making minimum wage as the receptionist answering the phone. After a few years of working in various positions such as receptionist, office manager, inside sales, and purchasing, the owner encouraged me to go full time into outside sales. I was never an outgoing person so I wasn’t sure this was a fit for me.
His theory was that his daughters weren’t interested in the business so he wanted me to know every aspect in case I ever wanted to buy the company. For a twenty-two year old, female no less, this seemed a farfetched idea. It was his faith and encouragement in me that made the dream of owning EDSCO Fasteners became a clear reality. I went on to start college at twenty-three, graduate with my bachelors and masters then obtain my CPA certificate. One month after I completed all of my education, I purchased EDSCO after working in every facet of the company for a total eleven years.
Many people have asked me over the last few years, how I got to where I am. I always laugh it off and said I just fell into it. However, the truth is my mentor, the previous owner of EDSCO, Daniel Stephens, saw something in me that I didn’t know I possessed. Through all of his help, guidance, and wisdom, I have been the President of EDSCO Fasteners for almost four years. So just because you might not see the same traits in yourself, don’t let a good mentor/ mentee opportunity slip through your life. I am blessed beyond measure that someone saw it in me and didn’t let me pass by.
Carrie Ann Whitworth is the President and CEO of EDSCO Fasteners, Inc. located in Elba, Alabama. She is a loving wife and mother of one daughter and two stepchildren. She egan working as a secretary at EDSCO in 1999. Over the next eleven years, she was promoted to roles of purchasing, office manager, sales, then named sales manager. In 2011, she purchased 100% ownership of EDSCO from the previous owner. Carrie graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Troy University in 2008 and a Masters of Accountancy from Auburn University in 2011. She is also a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Alabama. All of her college education was attained while working both a full time job and as a part-time bookkeeper for a local church. Carrie is actively engaged in community service and she volunteers both within her community and the fastener industry. She currently serves as the Vice President of the Elba Chamber of Commerce. She also serves on the local board of Main Street Alabama which was created to promote and grow local areas.
Carrie is also the current Chairperson of the Southeastern Fastener Association, Vice President of the Women in the Fastener Industry, and board member for the Fastener Industry Coalition. In addition, she also serves as a member of the City of Elba’s Leadership Committee and the Housing Board, both of which focus on developing new leaders and improving the community.